Commercial policy

Overhaul of operational plans, and assessment of projects.

Also valuation of companies and review of plans and recommendations for improvements. Such work can even increase the value of companies considerably.

Marketing and sales

Advice, Advice and Support for Marketing and Sales.
Including work processes, sales materials and even training staff. Also to create sales and promotional materials.

Quality assessments

Quality assessments and service surveys.
We perform quality assessments and service inspections in hotels, restaurants and more. We do that domestically, but we've also done this kind of work for a number of hotels abroad. We're designing events large and small to enhance the visitor experience.


We have and run the web from 2006. There are a number of restaurants registered. For some, we are also working on more marketing and promotional issues. We also write about restaurants and consumer issues. Including amongst the hardest of 18,000 Facebook friends

Our friends on social media are about 24,000.



Projects in the field of energy such as assessment of investment costs. 

Legal projects

NETIÐ – Legal
Projects in particular in the field of business and competitive rights. Work under the name NETIÐ – Legal. We have, among other things, prepared client reports for the Competition Authority and Consumer Agency.


Research among tourists and more 

NETIÐ has done large research on foreign tourists and more.

This includes an examination of the image of Iceland abroad and policy proposals. The project included a survey among 600 consumers in Denmark and Sweden.

-A survey among 800 tourists in Iceland with regard to the purchase decision. The biggest thing that had been done until that time.

- Number of surveys among travelers such as guests reception.

-Spairs on the number of tourists in Iceland and the analysis of tourists

- Surveys for companies in other industries.